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Why I’m Voting Liberal Democrats…


Huw James wants you to vote Liberal Democrat.

*Obviously Rife magazine is apolitical and does not publicly endorse any political party. If you want to write a similar article about why you’re voting for a particular party, get in touch*

I believe that the Liberal Democrats have a lot to offer for people our age

So I’ve been asked to explain why I’m a Liberal Youth, and I’m voting for the Liberal Democrats this election. I’m usually bad at this, but I’ll try my best.

We may as well start with the obvious… Despite recent attacks from the NUS in a liar liar campaign, I believe that the Liberal Democrats have a lot to offer for people our age, and in the country as a whole. Whilst the Liberal Democrat’s achievements in government are tainted with the infamous broken pledge on tuition fees, I believe that the party did fulfil the second part of the student pledge. They alleviated the burden on students so that no money will be taken out of a graduates earnings until they earn over £21,000. Looking towards the future, the Lib Dem manifesto supports a review on the higher education finances system, hoping to support student living costs and the maintenance loan, which currently account for the majority of university drop outs.


The Liberal Democrats are a Pro-EU Party, protecting our trade links abroad, strengthening our power in solidarity with Europe

The Liberal Democrats are a Pro-EU Party, protecting our trade links abroad, strengthening our power in solidarity with Europe. Our liberal democrat voice in the EU brought the south west investment in green industries, and was fundamental in allowing Bristol to achieve our recent ‘Green Capital’ Status. The Liberal Democrats are the greenest party to set foot in government to date. Delivering on creating a ‘Green Investment Bank’ to encourage the development of green industries in the UK, We will support investment in tidal power, carbon capture and storage, energy storage and ultra-low emission vehicles.

I’m voting for the the Liberal Democrats because of their consistent support for the LGBTQ community. In the future they strive towards permitting humanist weddings, ending spousal veto annulling trans marriages, allowing ‘X’ gender marks on passport, cracking down on homo/bi/trans~phobic hate crime (especially in schools).

I’m voting for the the Liberal Democrats because of their consistent support for the LGBTQ community.

To me, the Lib Dems offer a return to rational politics. As goes the Lib Dem motto: ‘stronger economy, fairer society’. They are the only party which can not only strengthen the British economy in a way that doesn’t harm the workers who put their trust in it. I trust the liberal democrats both with the economy, and to protect the vulnerable and exploited in society ~ we needn’t settle for the either/or offered by other parties.

If that doesn’t convince you here’s a more visual diagram (courtesy of @H_L_Thompson):


Let us know on Twitter: #digestiblepolitics @rifemag

‘Why I’m Voting Green…’ by Dan Squire

‘Digestible Politics: Infographic Breakdown’ by Yero Timi-Biu

‘Digestible Politics: Why Your Voice Matters’ by Yero Timi-Biu

‘Digestible Politics: Rife Jargon Buster’ by Yero Timi-Biu