Write about Power + Privilege

Illustration by Ettie Webb Illustration
Rife wants your personal essays on the theme of ‘Power + Privilege.’
We all hold a level of power and privilege. Whether it’s a lot or a little, we want to hear about your experiences. This could be something that’s happened at work, college or school. Or you’ve realised you hold more privilege than you thought. Or you took back your power. Whatever your idea is, let us know.
We can offer you:
- £100 for every essay we choose to publish.
- Editorial support as you write your essay – so please don’t be put off if you feel like you’re an inexperienced writer, or even if you’ve never written an essay before. It’s all about the idea.
- Publication on Rife along with an amazing illustration from Ettie Webb Illustrations, so you can pop it in your portfolio or on your CV.
When you send us your idea:
- Make it no more or less than 150-250 words long – this is hard, we know, but it really helps you (and us) to drill down on what’s most important about your essay’s message.
- Feel free to add as many links to other stuff as you like for context.
- Make sure it’s non-fiction and drawn from your own experiences.
- Have a think about our target audience – they’re young people, like you.
- Try and think about the emotions you’d get your reader to feel, and why your essay would connect with them.
- Make sure you send it in by 6th January 2020.
- Need a hand to pitch? Email sammy.j@watershed.co.uk.
Send your ideas to sammy.j@watershed.co.uk by 6th January. We’ll get back to you with pitching advice (if you want it) even if your essay isn’t chosen for publication.