Child Protection Policy

One of the goals of this resource pack is to provide templates and additional information on producing a Child Protection Policy. It is written for organisations and anyone wanting to understand how organisations are required to keep children safe.

Child protection and safeguarding can present real challenges, knowing what measures legally need to be put in place to safeguard children, as well as what is good practice can seem like a full-time job. The safety of children and vulnerable adults is vital and all, without exception, have the right to protection from abuse. All suspicions and allegations of abuse should always be taken seriously and responded to swiftly and appropriately and all the charities trustees, the staff and volunteers have a responsibility to report concerns.

Although your work may not directly impact on or relate to children or young people it is important that you can recognise and respond to child protection situations and concerns appropriately.

Please note: please bear in mind that this policy has been created for a specific organisation in a specific context, and should therefore be used as a guide and it needs to be adapted where necessary.

  • Download: Sample Child Protection Policy 1 Download
  • Download: Sample Child Protection Policy 2 Download

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