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  Number Games - Race, Equality, and the Big Society

Posted on Thu 10 Aug 2017

This post-screening Q&A followed 'Number Games', a documentary that explores the question; can the Big Society be a racially just one?

Culture 24: Let's Get Real - How to evaluate success online?

Posted on Tue 6 Sept 2011

How can arts organisations really gauge their success online? Does counting the visitors to our websites really tell us anything? Do we need all the social media channels we start? Is there evidence of real engagement happening online? Do we really know what we are trying to achieve and who it is for?

Discover the new

Posted on Wed 31 Aug 2011

Welcome to the new Watershed website! It’s been a long time coming. More than five years, to be exact. What was wrong with the old one, you may wonder.It was dated. It was becoming unwieldy. It had teeny tiny text. But most of all, it didn’t accurately reflect the vibrancy and passion of Watershed or the wide variety of activities and opportunities we offer that make us special.

  Curating Innovation, an evaluation of Media Sandbox 2010

Wed 1 June 2011

An evaluation of Media Sandbox 2010 'Curating Innovation' by Annie Warburton. Media Sandbox 2010 centred on the creation of ideas that explore rich experiences augmented by open data or mobile, wireless & sensory technologies and commissioned seven projects.Find out more about Media Sandbox.

  Sapphire: In Conversation

Posted on Thu 10 Aug 2017

Author Sapphire talks about her novel 'The Kid', sequel to 'Push', which formed the basis for the critically-acclaimed film, 'Precious'.

  'a different kind of economic model'

Sun 1 Oct 2006

A Watershed/iShed profile as part of an Arts Professional article by Clare Cooper and Roanne Dods of the Mission, Models, Money programme which looks at fresh thinking about management structures in the arts and how it's shaped business practice. Clare Cooper and Roanne Dods explain how the Mission, Models, Money programme has been supporting arts organisations attempting to change.  

  Whose art is it anyway? by John Knell

Wed 1 March 2006

John Knell, Director, Intelligence Agency asks how far do the personalisation and choice agendas shaping other areas of publicly funded activity, such as health and education, have any resonance for the arts? Whose art is it anyway? was commissioned by Arts Council England.

  After the Crunch

Wed 1 April 2009

In this 100-page book, 42 artists, entrepreneurs, commentators, analysts, policy-makers, policy-sceptics, academics, financiers - and citizens - set out their hopes and fears for the future. After the Crunch includes an article from Managing Director of Watershed, Dick Penny: "Crisis is always the best opportunity to do something fresh".Image: Drawings by Paul Davis ©

  Embracing the Desire Lines – Opening Up Cultural Infrastructure by Tom Fleming

Fri 1 May 2009

Tom Fleming explores the implications of a more open and collaborative practice for 'bricks and mortar' cultural infrastructures. Tom Fleming is consultant and academic specialising in research and support for the cultural and Creative Industries sector.  Image: Scatter, reworked 2009 by Joe Magee

  A Sunday in Hell - Director's Q&A

Posted on Thu 10 Aug 2017

Director Jorgen Leth discusses 'A Sunday in Hell', a documentary about the 1976 Paris - Roubaix bicycle race.