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  If it didn't exist it would be necessary to invent it.

Tue 1 June 2010

A collection of interviews between Steve Wright, (Arts Editor, Venue) and some of the creative individuals and artists that Watershed collaborates with which explore the creative impact of Watershed.If you would prefer to read a hard copy of this publication please email us with your full name and address and we will post you a copy.

  Some Kind of Magic: The 2010 evaluation of Theatre Sandbox

Mon 10 Jan 2011

Theatre Sandbox 2010 enabled six theatre artists & companies to research and develop new ideas using pervasive media technologies. The R&D period came to a close at the end of 2010 and, true to the spirit of openness and knowledge exchange, we are pleased to share the story, which has been produced by independent evaluator Annie Warburton.Find out more about Theatre Sandbox.

Get into the Carnival Spirit at Watershed

Posted on Mon 27 June 2011

Watershed is getting into the legendary spirit of St Pauls Carnival, Bristol’s annual celebration of Afro-Caribbean arts and culture, with a special Carnival warm-up night on Fri 1 July featuring film and music.The night will kick off at 20:30 with home-grown short film Carnival Memories, featuring recollections from the huge variety of people that help make Carnival happen in Bristol every year.

  Adrian Utley on Taxi Driver

Posted on Thu 10 Aug 2017

Portishead’s Adrian Utley and Watershed’s Head of Programme, Mark Cosgrove, consider the enormous impact of Bernard Herrmann’s last ever score.

  Creative Producers Development Programme

Posted on Mon 30 Oct 2017

Clare Reddington and participants of the development programme discuss the role of a creative producer and results of the summer school.

  Eli Pariser

Posted on Thu 10 Aug 2017

Campaigner and author Eli Pariser reveals how hidden web control is affecting our lives, and what we can do about it.

  Herrmann: Knowing the Score

Posted on Thu 10 Aug 2017

Composer Neil Brand reveals some of the techniques employed by Bernard Herrmann in crafting his iconic and emotionally powerful film scores.

M Shed Fortunes Game

Posted on Wed 15 June 2011

Join the fun happening on Harbourside this weekend for the opening of M Shed and the launch of M Shed Fortunes, a new mobile phone application that brings Bristol city's history to life.

Embedded: Residency at the Pervasive Media Studio

Posted on Mon 13 June 2011

Watershed in collaboration with Sound and Music are currently accepting applications for the Embedded Artists Residency.

Love at Watershed: New Grundtvig workshop

Posted on Mon 13 June 2011

This summer, Watershed is hosting innovative workshops for older people from across Europe to learn about digital media and to experience cutting-edge technology for themselves. Fourteen participants (all aged over 50) are visiting Bristol this week from Norway, Portugal, Slovenia, Iceland, France, Germany, Lithuania, Belgium and the UK to explore and share their memories of love, a universal emotion.

  Senna - Q&A

Posted on Thu 10 Aug 2017

A discussion about 'Senna', a documentary about the life and death of Brazilian Formula One world champion, Ayrton Senna da Silva.