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  Theatre Sandbox 2010: Give Me Back My Broken Night

Posted on Wed 1 Nov 2017

Duncan Speakman and Uninvited Guests used digital projectors to develop a guided tour of the possible futures of Soho.

  Theatre SandBox 2010: Living Film Set

Posted on Wed 1 Nov 2017

Analogue used scale models and sensors to develop an experimental theatre piece that explored our relationship the semi-remembered events of childhood.

  Theatre Sandbox 2010: Sonic Maze

Posted on Wed 1 Nov 2017

Mind the Gap developed Sonic Maze; a project that used location-based sensors to design a maze made entirely out of sound.

  Theatre Sandbox 2010: The Unicorn

Posted on Wed 1 Nov 2017

Ed Collier & Melanie Wilson used RFID technology to develop The Unicorn, an audio-based fairytale adventure for the high street.

 The Renewed Passion of Joan of Arc 

Posted on Tue 19 April 2011 by Mark Cosgrove

Following the continued success of 'The Passion of Joan of Arc', the new score to Carl Dreyer's classic silent film of the same name, Watershed's Mark Cosgrove details the beginnings of the project, Watershed's involvement, and how the score has developed a life of its own.

  Frank Rose

Posted on Thu 10 Aug 2017

Frank Rose discussed how storytelling techniques and audience expectations have changed due to the rise of new forms of media.

  Decalogue 2009: 3D

Posted on Thu 10 Aug 2017

Michael Gubbins and Terry Flaxton joined Mark Cosgrove to discuss the emerging significance of 3D in the future of cinema.

Artist's Residencies 2011

Posted on Mon 21 March 2011