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  Beyond The Box Office Panel

Posted on Thu 10 Aug 2017

A live event recording in which a panel of experts discuss the impact of film on identity, culture, and surroundings.

Thinking About the Future

Posted on Tue 1 Feb 2011

Bristol's international reputation as a creative, innovative, unorthodox city is growing and this helps Watershed to connect more widely with all our audiences, artists and partners.

  It's Shaun The Sheep!

Posted on Thu 10 Aug 2017

Award-winning director of Shaun the Sheep, Richard ‘Golly’ Goleszowski discusses the much-loved character from his humble beginnings to the present.

 Cultural Cinema Exhibition in the 21st Century 

Posted on Tue 25 Jan 2011 by Mark Cosgrove

An examination of the cultural significance of cinema and its status as an artform.

  Media Sandbox 2010: Blossom Bristol

Posted on Fri 27 Oct 2017

A mobile-based game which uses open-data and allows players to plant virtual crops in various locations across Bristol.

  Media Sandbox 2010: Hills Are Evil

Posted on Fri 27 Oct 2017

A digital map enhancement which was developed to help people avoid obstacles like cobbles and hills.

  Media Sandbox 2010: Alphasphere

Posted on Wed 19 Jan 2011

A new electronic musical instrument that aims to move production away from the computer and back into the instrument.

  Media Sandbox 2010: Biofeedback In Gaming

Posted on Fri 27 Oct 2017

Integrating biofeedback sensor technologies such as heart-rate monitors into computer games to enhance the gaming experience.

  Evgeny Morozov: Net Delusion

Posted on Thu 10 Aug 2017

Writer and researcher Evgeny Morozov discusses ideas from his 2011 book, ‘The Net Delusion: The Dark Side of Internet Freedom’.