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 Melvin Van Peebles 1932 - 2021 

Posted on Thu 23 Sept 2021 by Mark Cosgrove

A tribute to Melvin Van Peebles from Mark Cosgrove, Watershed Cinema Curator

Creative Sector Growth Programme

Posted on Mon 20 Sept 2021

Watershed, in collaboration with Upstarter and Mark Leaver Consulting, is delivering a training programme for creative businesses at very early and growth stages.

 A swinging celebration of Black male talent  

Posted on Mon 13 Sept 2021

Cinema Rediscovered 2021 Film Critics workshop participant Malaika Kegode’s take on A Man called Adam’s swinging celebration of talent of Black male.


Posted on Mon 13 Sept 2021

Cinema Rediscovered 2021 Film Critics Workshop participants Jake Abatan on how positive change within the industry can start from small acts of resistance.

 Rewriting Film History (with the Women in it)  

Posted on Mon 13 Sept 2021

Cinema Rediscovered 2021 Film Critics Workshop participant Nadira Begum on the rich history of female ‘geniuses’ in cinema in front and behind the camera.

 French New Wave influences in The Story of a Three-Day Pass  

Posted on Fri 10 Sept 2021

Cinema Rediscovered 2021 Film Critics Workshop participant Yasmin Omar explores the French New Wave influences in The Story of a Three-Day Pass (1967).

 The More the Merrier (1943)  

Posted on Fri 10 Sept 2021

Cinema Rediscovered 2021 Film Critics Workshop participant Angela Moore on discovering the sexiest scene in a 1940s Hollywood romantic comedy.

 Revisiting New Hollywood Through a 2021 Lens: Jane Fonda’s Klute  

Posted on Thu 9 Sept 2021

Cinema Rediscovered 2021 Workshop participant Catherine Putman asks if Klute were to be remade today, would the detective role be awarded to a man?

 The Read on Film TikTok  

Posted on Thu 9 Sept 2021

Cinema Rediscovered 2021 Film Critics workshop participant Ian Wang on the reasons why TikToks about cinema might be less interesting than TikToks as cinema.

Depict 2021 shortlist is now live!

Posted on Wed 8 Sept 2021

Watch, vote and comment!

 There is a Dog on the Boat  

Posted on Tue 7 Sept 2021

Cinema Rediscovered 2021 Film Critics participant Charlotte Geater on learning to watch and learning to be watched, inspired by early silent films.