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Update on our building plans...

Posted on Wed 4 Dec 2019

With new funding confirmed and initial designs signed off, the first phase of Watershed’s development plans are gathering pace.

A Day for Giving?

Posted on Tue 3 Dec 2019

Forget the excesses and consumerism of Black Friday and Cyber Monday – Tue 3 Dec is #GivingTuesday, a global day of giving, the perfect antidote to the two biggest shopping days of the year.

 Facing Australian History 

Posted on Thu 28 Nov 2019 by Tara Judah

Jennifer Kent's The Nightingale was marked by controversy in the press but the film is only as violent as the history it tells. Framing faces, Kent confronts the viewer with a powerful and philosophical contemplation of responsibility and culpability in the face of humanity.

  December 2019 Cinema Podcast

Posted on Thu 28 Nov 2019

This month's podcast discusses the year in cinema at Watershed featuring some of the highlights, trends and the top five films of the year.

 Bristol 2009/Bristol 2019: celebrating 10 years of Duncan Speakman’s As If It Were The Last Time 

Posted on Wed 27 Nov 2019

Ten years since its Bristol premiere, Pervasive Media Studio resident and artist Duncan Speakman is bringing his subtlemob As If It Were The Last Time back to the place where it all began – in a 2019 that is not so different from 2009…

 Thought In Action: Monos 

Posted on Thu 14 Nov 2019

In the second instalment of ‘Thought in Action’, panel host Francesco Tava was joined by University of Bristol Lecturer in Hispanic Media and Digital Communications Rachel Randall and UWE Senior Film Lecturer Humberto Perez-Blanco in a post screening discussion of the film’s core themes. UWE BA Philosophy student Georgia Harrison writes her response to the discussion around Alejandro Landes’ surreal and striking film on identity politics in relation to the realities of youth guerrilla warfare.

 Watershed Gin is here! 

Posted on Wed 13 Nov 2019

After several years of showcasing the best in South West gins, we are delighted to announce the launch of our very own locally-produced gin.

 “We Are Here, We Are Queer, and We’re Not Going Anywhere!”: The Importance of LGBT+ Narratives on Screen 

Posted on Fri 1 Nov 2019 by Julia Ray

UWE MA Curating student Julia Ray, reflects on her season We Are Here, a celebration and exploration of queer spaces in cinema.

  November 2019 Cinema Podcast

Posted on Wed 30 Oct 2019

This month we look forward to Afrika Eye Film Festival, the UK Jewish Film Festival on Tour, London Korean Film Festival and the UK Green Film Festival, alongside We Are Here a season of films and events celebrating and portraying positivity in Queer and LGBTQ+ communities.

And to finish off Mark implores you to immerse yourself in Scorsese's latest masterpiece of power and control The Irishman.

  Watershed Board of Trustees Report 2019

Tue 1 Oct 2019

Report of Watershed's Board of Trustees and consolidated financial statements – Year ended 31 March 2019.

Culture declares a Climate and Ecological Emergency

Posted on Thu 17 Oct 2019

Today, Watershed, Bristol Old Vic and Colston Hall have signed up to the growing global community of  arts and culture champions  declaring a  climate and ecological  emergency.