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 Something wicked this way comes! Reclaiming the witch on screen 

Posted on Thu 4 Oct 2018 by Thea Berry

Once banished to woods, caves and deserted islands, witches have made a comeback to mainstream popular culture. Thea Berry, UWE's MA Curating student based at Watershed this year, has curated a wicked season of films exploring and reclaiming the role of the witch in film.

  October 2018 Cinema Podcast

Posted on Mon 1 Oct 2018

Watershed's Cinema Podcast for October highlights two films that are trying to make sense of Europe's recent past, but in very different ways.

 Film Culture in the era of Netflix 

Posted on Wed 26 Sept 2018 by Mark Cosgrove

Mark Cosgrove, Watershed’s Cinema Curator, reflects on the changing nature of film exhibition and the value of cinema.

KIN – a new Bristol festival of kindness

Posted on Wed 26 Sept 2018

This November, a new festival called KIN will be taking place at Arnolfini - it promises to be a multi-room extravaganza of music, conversations, games, skills -sharing and theatrical exploration, with activist meet-up, live art and wandering provocateurs.

Cinema Rediscovered tours UK

Posted on Mon 24 Sept 2018

Cinema Rediscovered on Tour 2018 continues with My 20th Century - the dazzling new 4K restoration of the 1989 debut feature by the award winning Hungarian female filmmaker Ildikó Enyedi - opening at London's ICA on 7 Oct before touring cinemas across the UK.

"Don't just do brilliant stuff, but help someone else do brilliant stuff"

Posted on Thu 13 Sept 2018

Take a moment to watch this beautiful film - with contributions from Watershed staff past and present, friends, partners and funders - that shows Dick Penny (CEO of Watershed from Sept 1998 - July 2018) through the eyes of the people that have had the pleasure of working with and learning from him.

 Conversations About Cinema: A new series of in-cinema discussions 

Posted on Wed 12 Sept 2018

Starting in October with Utøya, UWE and Watershed are partnering on a series of screenings and discussions that brings together a multi-disciplinary team of philosophers, political theorists, and cinema curators and producers to unpick some of the most exciting and challenging ideas in contemporary cinema, Senior Lecturer in Philosophy at UWE, Francesco Tava writes.

Network and nominate with Rife Magazine

Posted on Wed 12 Sept 2018

Rife Magazine, our very own in-house online platform for young people, has loads of exciting opportunities for you right now. Check them out below and get involved - in one, two, or all three!

 Matangi, Maya or M.I.A. - just who is this problematic pop star? 

Posted on Wed 12 Sept 2018 by Tara Judah

Everyone wants to know who's behind star persona M.I.A., and if there's more than meets the eye to the outspoken Sri Lankan born, London raised refugee bringing politics to pop music. Candid, confident and clever, Matangi "Maya" Arulpragasam speaks, sings and raps from the heart, Cinema Producer Tara Judah writes.

 Of shimmering twilight on the horizon: where fiction and reality meet in The Rider 

Posted on Fri 7 Sept 2018 by Tara Judah

Horse trainer Brady Jandreau gives the performance of a lifetime, against the blinding twilight of a South Dakotan horizon, where fiction and reality meet in The Rider, Cinema Producer Tara Judah writes.

Bristol and Bath - leading the way in inclusive innovation and growth

Posted on Thu 6 Sept 2018

‘Bristol & Bath Creative R&D’ will receive a multi million pound investment from the Arts and Humanities Research Council’s Creative Industries Clusters Programme, to support, connect and amplify the brilliant strengths of the region.