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 "That's the Thing About Memory": Unreliable Narrators in Bart Layton's American Animals 

Posted on Wed 5 Sept 2018 by Tara Judah

Talking to writer-director Bart Layton about his hybrid beast of a movie, American Animals, offered fascinating insight into his thrilling heist hybrid, told by a pack of unreliable narrators, Cinema Producer Tara Judah writes.

Depict ’18 Shortlist is live

Posted on Tue 4 Sept 2018

We are delighted to announce that this year's Depict shortlist is live - and we need your votes to decide the winner of the coveted Shooting People Audience Award.

 What's fair in love and Cold War? 

Posted on Tue 28 Aug 2018 by Tara Judah

Where love and war are concerned, it's all just shades of grey. Paweł Pawlikowski's Cold War romance hits the big screen with striking polemic and a full palette of black and white, Cinema Producer Tara Judah writes.

  September 2018 Cinema Podcast

Posted on Mon 10 Sept 2018

Cinema Curator Mark Cosgrove and Cinema Producer Tara Judah share their highlights and must see films this September at Watershed.

Watershed makes a big splash in Tokyo this Autumn

Posted on Mon 20 Aug 2018

We are very excited to announce that the Biennial Playable City Conference will take place in Tokyo, Japan this year on 28 September in partnership with the British Council.

 The Riddles of Film History in 360 degrees 

Posted on Mon 20 Aug 2018 by Tara Judah

Laura Mulvey and Peter Wollen's Riddles of the Sphinx showed us a 360 degree alternative view to the so-called 'male gaze' of mainstream cinema. Revealing a riddle of hetero-patriarchal film history, our Summer of rediscovery with restorations from amazing women filmmakers paves the way for an Autumnal change, Cinema Producer Tara Judah writes.

 Spike Lee and the Klansman 

Posted on Sun 5 Aug 2018 by Edson Burton

Spike Lee is a political artist, and one with a particular comic sensibility. Artists may not be able to resolve social issues, but Lee's satire is responsible, Come the Revolution's Edson Burton writes.

Cinema Rediscovered goes on Tour

Posted on Wed 1 Aug 2018

Cinema Rediscovered returned to Bristol (which is now a UNESCO City of Film) for its third edition this July, putting lesser known cinematic visions centre stage, asking questions about the role of cinema, delighting audiences and launching a UK wide tour with support from BFI awarding funds from National Lottery.

  August 2018 Cinema Podcast

Posted on Thu 2 Aug 2018

August brings an embarrassment of cinematic riches gathered together under the broad headline of seriously playful, or indeed playfully serious, filmmaking.

 Personhood (un)Differed : Madeline Anderson and the Edit Underground 

Posted on Thu 26 July 2018 by Liz Chege

Newly restored, Madeline Anderson’s essential historical records of activism and vital body of cinematic work convey a radical commitment to hope, Come the Revolution curator Liz Chege writes.

 Women on the Periphery: taking centre stage 

Posted on Wed 25 July 2018 by Tara Judah

On Cinema Rediscovered's focus on Women on the Periphery, Agnés Varda, Laura Mulvey, Spike Lee and more, Watershed Cinema Producer Tara Judah reflects on a history of critical conversations and curatorial choices that have left so many great filmmakers just outside of the spotlight.