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Watershed wins Silver in Fairtrade Awards

Posted on Wed 11 March 2015

We were delighted to pick up a Silver Award in the 2015 regional Fairtrade Business Awards which we hosted here at Watershed last week. The aim of the Awards is to increase sales of and support for Fairtrade amongst local businesses, by promoting businesses that support Fairtrade and encouraging others to do more.

Get double the exposure for your short film

Posted on Wed 11 March 2015

We're delighted to announce that DepicT! - our annual competition for original short films of 90 seconds or less - is teaming up with Encounters Short Film Festival 2015, the UK’s leading short film and animation festival, for this year's DepicT! '15 submissions.

Telling stories about Palestine: An interview with writer/director Suha Arraf

Posted on Tue 10 March 2015

Bristol Palestine Film Festival Director David Owen sits down with Suha Arraf, director of upcoming feature Villa Touma, to discuss and pleasures of being a director as opposed to a screenwriter and the challenges of being a Palestinian living in Israel.

Announcing two open calls for Studio Residencies

Posted on Tue 10 March 2015

Are you an artist, graduate, or someone at an early stage in their career? Are you interested in the point where creativity, culture and technology meet? Good news – we are delighted to announce two new residency programmes that are now open to applications for those interested in spending some time in the open and collaborative environment of the Pervasive Media Studio.

No Boundaries 2015 now on sale

Posted on Tue 10 March 2015

We are delighted to announce that delegate passes are now on sale for the second No Boundaries, the arts and culture industry’s annual conference presenting questions and challenging new ideas on the role of arts and culture.

  Filmic: The Brothers Johnson in Conversation

Posted on Thu 10 Aug 2017

Director Gerard Johnson and The The Musician and Composer Matt Johnson discuss the connections between film and music

Playable City Award is now open for submissions

Posted on Mon 23 Feb 2015

Following the international success of Hello Lamppost (2013) and Shadowing (2014), we are delighted to announce the Playable City Award returns for its third year, with the call for submissions opening today.

Filmic is back!

Posted on Thu 19 Feb 2015

Filmic, a joint venture with our friends up the road at St George's Bristol, returns in March with another great line-up of film, music, talks and special live events. Dedicated to pursuing the notion of 'the filmic' - whether connected to an actual film or inside a musician's head - it's a different kind of film and music season.

Seeing Selma

Posted on Wed 11 Feb 2015

A round up of recent activity - vox pops, Twitter Chats, comment cards and more - on Selma, the story of Dr Martin Luther King's historic struggle to secure voting rights for African-Americans.

Film - The Start of the Conversation

Posted on Thu 5 Feb 2015

Conversations About Cinema is a new UK wide project led by Watershed in partnership with Chapter Arts (Cardiff) and QFT (Belfast) that opens up debates and discussion through film. Find out more about how you can join the conversation here...

Berlin: the Festival season begins

Posted on Thu 5 Feb 2015

The 65th edition of the Berlin Film Festival - Europe's first major cinema showcase of the year - has begun. Our Cinema Curator Mark Cosgrove will be there searching for films, partnership, opportunities and events to bring back to Bristol and the UK, and you can keep up to date with all his latest thoughts on the programme in real time through Twitter.