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Selma: the Civil Rights movement for grown ups

Posted on Wed 4 Feb 2015

Dr Edson Burton reflects on new film Selma, explaining how it dismantles the many mythologies surrounding Dr Martin Luther King and the civil rights era, and how its story is relevant today. Read on to find out how you can share your voice too...

  Tales of The Grim Sleeper Directors's Q&A

Posted on Thu 10 Aug 2017

Veteran documentarian Nick Broomfield joined us to discuss his film Tales of The Grim Sleeper.

We've launched a new Individual Giving Programme

Posted on Mon 2 Feb 2015

Today (Mon 2 Feb) Watershed launched a new Individual Giving Programme. We are opening our doors wider to invite those who enjoy Watershed to increase their support so that we can continue to innovate, entertain and develop the diverse audiences with whom we work.

  Watershed Council of Management Report 2014

Sun 1 Feb 2015

Report of Watershed's Council of Management and consolidated financial statements—Year ended 31 March 2014

DepicT! '14 Winner's Journey - January

Posted on Wed 21 Jan 2015

Each year we invite filmmakers from all over the world to submit their short films of 90 seconds of less to our DepicT! competition. We caught up with DepicT! '14 winner Daniel Chisholm about his current feature length project set in Italy.

Thoughts on Testament of Youth

Posted on Thu 15 Jan 2015

On Mon 12 Jan we held a special preview of Testament of Youth, a timely adaptation of Vera Brittain's much-loved World War I memoir. This powerful story struck a chord with the full house - here are some thoughts from the audience and ways for you to get involved so we can hear yours.

New starters 2015

Posted on Wed 7 Jan 2015

Starting the year as we mean to go on, Watershed is delighted to welcome a host of new people into the organisation for 2015.

  Looking For Love Director's Q&A

Posted on Thu 10 Aug 2017

Director Menelik Shabazz discusses his innovative documentary Looking For Love.

Conversations About Cinema: The Impact of Conflict

Posted on Wed 17 Dec 2014

Impact of Conflict is a new strand where will will explore the effects of war across people, society, places and politics through screenings, events and publishing. It's all about opportunities for you to share your responses - find out how you can get involved here.

Sustaining Creativity Environmental Data Lab celebratory film

Posted on Wed 17 Dec 2014

Back in October, we teamed up with the friendly folk at Julie’s Bicycle - who work with creative industries to make sustainability an intrinsic part of business practice - to host a two-day Environmental Data Lab here at the Pervasive Media Studio.

  Open Bethlehem Director's Q&A

Posted on Thu 10 Aug 2017

Leila Sansour Director of Open Bethlehem joined us to discuss her film and the international campaign that it inspired.