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Joan of Arc’s South West homecoming

Posted on Thu 14 Nov 2013

The Passion of Joan of Arc enjoys a glorious South West homecoming on Mon 25 Nov with a performance in Bath Abbey, one of the country’s great medieval buildings, as part of the Bath Film Festival.Developed in Bristol by musicians Adrian Utley (Portishead) and Will Gregory (Goldfrapp) working with inspiration from Watershed, The Passion of Joan of Arc is a live performance to Carl Theodore Dreyer’s 1928 classic of silent cinema.

Electric December Goes Global

Posted on Thu 14 Nov 2013

We’re putting the finishing touches to Electric December, our annual short film showcase for filmmakers under 21 years old, which goes live on Sun 1 Dec. This year, we’ve gone global, with entries coming from three continents, making this the widest reaching online showcase of young emerging talent we’ve seen since Electric December began fifteen years ago.

Winter Warmers at Watershed

Posted on Wed 13 Nov 2013

The days are getting darker, the nights are longer – and our team of chefs have been getting creative in the kitchen! Winter is all about warming up and socialising with friends, so it's with great excitement we welcome our new Winter Menu.

Watershed announces a UK tour of Kenyan films after Afrika Eye success

Posted on Tue 12 Nov 2013

Following sold out screenings at Afrika Eye Festival here last weekend, we are delighted to announce that two new Kenyan films - Nairobi Half Life and Something Necessary - will be playing at cinemas and festivals across the UK until March 2014 as part of New Visions from Kenya: Celebrating 50 years of Independence. Audience reaction at Watershed has been outstanding for both films.

  Something Necessary: Director's Q&A

Posted on Thu 10 Aug 2017

Judy Kibinge, Director of Something Necessary, speaks to Karen Alexander about telling East African stories through film.

  Tey: Director's Q&A

Posted on Thu 10 Aug 2017

Director Alain Gomis speaks about Tey, a poetic journey through the last day of a man's life.

  What does it take to belong?

Posted on Thu 10 Aug 2017

A panel discussion exploring Afrika Eye Festival's 2013 theme of 'belonging'.

  The King and the People: Director's Q&A

Posted on Thu 10 Aug 2017

Meet Simon Bright, the director of this undercover documentary that captures the spirit of the Swazi people’s struggle against absolute monarchism.

  One World Classroom Connect

Posted on Thu 10 Aug 2017

Shades of Blue

Posted on Thu 7 Nov 2013