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Wildscreen Festival Returns!

Posted on Fri 12 Oct 2012

From Bristol to Brooklyn

Posted on Thu 11 Oct 2012

Exploring Science and Technology

Posted on Tue 9 Oct 2012

  David Thomson: The Big Screen

Posted on Thu 10 Aug 2017

David Thomson, 'one of film's greatest living experts' discusses the impact cinema, technology, and communication have had on our lives.

Matango: Fungus of Terror!

Posted on Tue 2 Oct 2012

King Kong vs Godzilla

Posted on Tue 2 Oct 2012

 From wild ideas to working prototypes 

Posted on Mon 1 Oct 2012

The 'REACT Showcase:Heritage' event on Friday included opening words from John Dovey and Clare Reddington (Director and Executive Producer of REACT), a great keynote from Charles Leadbeater and six short films about each of the Heritage Sandbox projects. These will all be available on the brand spanking new REACT site shortly. Matt and I also had a little cameo role to outline Sandbox and to introduce the films. In case you missed it, here is what we said (we looked confident and stylish by the way if your imagination needs a prompt):