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  PUSH ME in 90 Seconds: Panel Discussion

Posted on Thu 10 Aug 2017

A panel discussion following screenings of the PUSH ME films, celebrating artists who are pushing themselves to reach unattained goals.

  BAFTA Masterclass: Lol Crawley

Posted on Thu 10 Aug 2017

Award-winning cinematographer Lol Crawley discusses his diverse career working with directors across features, shorts and television drama.

  Contentertainment 2012

Posted on Thu 10 Aug 2017

In this talk, a panel of content creators share their experiences of creating games, apps, books, toys, and more.

  To Score or Underscore

Posted on Thu 10 Aug 2017

Exploring the narrative possibilities of the soundtrack, a panel of experts discuss the different approaches to film music.

  FilmWorks Launch - It Begins With An Idea...

Posted on Thu 10 Aug 2017

A panel of Industry professionals discuss the FilmWorks programme, and explore how filmmakers can develop their ideas to pitch and beyond.

  Fresh Flix: Inside Out

Posted on Wed 1 Nov 2017

In this event, a panel of brilliant film industry professionals spoke to students from years 9 - 13 about working in the film industry.

  Chris Anderson - Makers: The New Industrial Revolution

Posted on Thu 10 Aug 2017

Author Chris Anderson discusses the rise of ‘makers’ – entrepreneurs using new technologies to reboot the manufacturing industry.

Curating international spaces

Posted on Sat 15 Sept 2012

Get ready for Encounters!

Posted on Thu 13 Sept 2012

We can’t believe it ourselves – but the 18th Encounters Short Film and Animation Festival is almost upon us!

For all the tea in Cornwall...

Posted on Tue 11 Sept 2012