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 More on the partners 

Posted on Wed 14 March 2012

The Memory of Theatre team will begin blogging here in April, when their project starts. In the mean time, here is some more about them:Paul Clarke is a Lecturer in Performance at University of Bristol. From 2008-2010 he was the Research Fellow on Performing the Archive: the Future of the Past, hosted by University of Bristol's Live Art Archives and Arnolfini archive. Paul also directs Bristol-based theatre company Uninvited Guests and a member of the Performance Re-enactment Society (PRS).

 More on the partners 

Posted on Wed 14 March 2012

The Ghosts in the Garden team will begin blogging here in April, when their project starts. In the mean time, here is some more about them:Steve Poole is Associate Professor in history at UWE, Bristol, and Director of the university’s Regional History Centre. He has published extensively on the social history of the long eighteenth century, especially on crowds and social class, and has a specialist knowledge of South West England in the Georgian period.

 More on the partners 

Posted on Wed 14 March 2012

The city strata team will begin blogging here in April, when their project starts. In the mean time, here is some more about them:Charlotte Crofts i is based at the Digital Cultures Research Centre, and is Senior Lecturer in Film Studies and Video Production at UWE.  Her recentCurzon Memories Projectuses mobile media to explore cinema history and the technology of projection through a locative heritage app based at the Curzon Community Cinema, Clevedon.

 A Manifesto for Independent Cultural Cinema 

Posted on Mon 16 Jan 2012 by Mark Cosgrove

A "manifesto" outlining the work and ambition of the independent Cultural Cinema Exhibition sector.

 Mark's Filmic Mixtape 

Posted on Thu 12 Jan 2012 by Mark Cosgrove

Filmic co-creator Mark Cosgrove shares his 'Filmic Mixtape': his selection of inspirational film and music collaborations.

 Ennio Morricone Interview 

Posted on Thu 12 Jan 2012

Oscar and Academy Award-winning composer Ennio Morricone speaks to Filmic co-creator Phil Johnson about his music and career.

 The Renewed Passion of Joan of Arc 

Posted on Tue 19 April 2011 by Mark Cosgrove

Following the continued success of 'The Passion of Joan of Arc', the new score to Carl Dreyer's classic silent film of the same name, Watershed's Mark Cosgrove details the beginnings of the project, Watershed's involvement, and how the score has developed a life of its own.

 Cultural Cinema Exhibition in the 21st Century 

Posted on Tue 25 Jan 2011 by Mark Cosgrove

An examination of the cultural significance of cinema and its status as an artform.

 Cannes 2010 or... of Godard and Cinephiles 

Posted on Thu 3 June 2010 by Mark Cosgrove

A round up of thoughts on the films he saw and the state of cinema from Cannes 2010.

 DShed: Past, Present & Future 

Posted on Mon 16 Nov 2009 by Dick Penny

Dick Penny, Watershed's Managing Director, discusses how DShed began, what it has achieved so far and where it might be heading next.