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 Room at the Top: Angry Young Men in the British New Wave 

Posted on Thu 16 June 2016 by Tara Judah

Adapted from John Braine’s novel of the same name, Room at the Top is the story of one man’s disillusionment with class and society in post-war Britain.

 Cinema by Candlelight: Stanley Kubrick's Barry Lyndon 

Posted on Tue 14 June 2016 by Rosie Taylor

Stanley Kubrick is famed for Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learnt to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb (1964), 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968), and A Clockwork Orange (1971). Rarely is his...

 Unusual Choices in Nagisa Ôshima's Merry Christmas Mr Lawrence 

Posted on Sat 11 June 2016 by Rosie Taylor

A Japanese film starring David Bowie as a prisoner of war might at first sound like an odd idea, but the lesser known Merry Christmas Mr Lawrence (1983) was, and still is,...

 Cinema Rediscovered - Great Films Back on Big Screens 

Posted on Thu 9 June 2016

Cinema Rediscovered is here! Here's an overview of the inaugural festival to see what's in store this year...

 Celebrating the Cinematography of Douglas Slocombe 

Posted on Thu 9 June 2016 by James Harrison

To say that cinematographer Douglas Slocombe (1913 -2016) had a varied film career would be a huge understatement. Even from early on in his career Slocombe’s adventures behind...

 Glass is go... 

Posted on Wed 30 July 2014

Fleur Smith, conductor of the ensemble has donned the google glass. Is this a world first? Stand by for conductor's eye-view footage. We hope...

 From wild ideas to working prototypes 

Posted on Mon 1 Oct 2012

The 'REACT Showcase:Heritage' event on Friday included opening words from John Dovey and Clare Reddington (Director and Executive Producer of REACT), a great keynote from Charles Leadbeater and six short films about each of the Heritage Sandbox projects. These will all be available on the brand spanking new REACT site shortly. Matt and I also had a little cameo role to outline Sandbox and to introduce the films. In case you missed it, here is what we said (we looked confident and stylish by the way if your imagination needs a prompt):

 From wild ideas to working prototypes 

Posted on Mon 1 Oct 2012

The 'REACT Showcase:Heritage' event on Friday included opening words from John Dovey and Clare Reddington (Director and Executive Producer of REACT), a great keynote from Charles Leadbeater and six short films about each of the Heritage Sandbox projects. These will all be available on the brand spanking new REACT site shortly. Matt and I also had a little cameo role to outline Sandbox and to introduce the films. In case you missed it, here is what we said (we looked confident and stylish by the way if your imagination needs a prompt):

 From wild ideas to working prototypes 

Posted on Mon 1 Oct 2012

The 'REACT Showcase:Heritage' event on Friday included opening words from John Dovey and Clare Reddington (Director and Executive Producer of REACT), a great keynote from Charles Leadbeater and six short films about each of the Heritage Sandbox projects. These will all be available on the brand spanking new REACT site shortly. Matt and I also had a little cameo role to outline Sandbox and to introduce the films. In case you missed it, here is what we said (we looked confident and stylish by the way if your imagination needs a prompt):

 More on the partners 

Posted on Wed 14 March 2012

The Ivory Bangle Lady team will begin blogging here in April, when their project starts. In the mean time, here is some more about them:Christopher Knüsel and Stephany Leach teach and research on bioarchaeology, human remains and their burial context at the University of Exeter. Knüsel received the Chancellor’s Award for Distinguished Teaching (2002) and serves as President of the British Association for Biological Anthropology and Osteoarchaeology.

 More on the partners 

Posted on Wed 14 March 2012

The Future Cemetery team will begin blogging here in April, when their project starts. In the mean time, here is some more about them:John Troyer is Deputy Director of University of Bath’s Centre for Death and Society. His research in Death Studies is broad and encompasses Death and architecture, aesthetics and cultural studies of death and dying. John's first book, 'Technologies of the Human Corpse', will be published in 2012 by the University of North Carolina Press.