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 How we are reimagining recruitment at Watershed 

Posted on Thu 17 Dec 2020 by Tony Bhajam

Practical steps for making recruitment more inclusive, through more accessible and human experiences.

 Harnessing Perversity  

Posted on Thu 29 Oct 2020 by Jonathan Bygraves

To mark the 4K cinema restoration of David Cronenberg's infamous Crash, film historian, programmer and video editor Jonathan Bygraves explores the commonalities between the work of J.G. Ballard and David Cronenberg.

 A Shadow of Thyself 

Posted on Mon 26 Oct 2020 by Tara Judah

Facing the artist's shadow in the films of Josephine Decker.

 London Film Fest at home 

Posted on Mon 26 Oct 2020 by Tara Judah

This year's London Film Festival took place in our very own venue, and also at home. Here are a few of our highlights and films to look forward to in the coming months.

 The Eyes Have it 

Posted on Sun 18 Oct 2020 by Tara Judah

We caught up with writer-director Bassam Tariq to find out all about the Evil Eye and shadow conflict in Mogul Mowgli.

 Thought you might like to know how we are doing... 

Posted on Tue 6 Oct 2020 by Louise Gardner

Here's a quick update from us, including some thoughts from Mark Cosgrove, our Cinema Curator, explaining a bit more about what is happening in the world of cinema at the moment.

 Watershed receives National Lottery funding to support communities and re-imagine a future against backdrop of COVID-19 

Posted on Thu 1 Oct 2020

Watershed has received funding to build on and amplify the creativity and compassion seen in communities and across society during the COVID-19 pandemic through stories, narratives and public imagination projects.

 Keeping our promises 

Posted on Wed 30 Sept 2020 by Clare Reddington

Clare Reddington, CEO of Watershed reflects on the work we have been doing to realise our Black Lives Matter commitments.

 Depict ’20 Shortlist is live! 

Posted on Mon 14 Sept 2020

Depict is Watershed’s ultra-short film competition and we need your votes to decide the winner of the Depict IMDbPro Audience Award!

 Creative Producers International: Report Launch and Programme Celebration 

Posted on Thu 10 Sept 2020

Creative Producers International brought together a group of talented Creative Producers, united them as a single network and provided them with time, space and financial support to step away from the pressures of their day-to-day professional lives

 Bristol, we're back!  

Posted on Mon 24 Aug 2020

Watershed re-opens its doors on Tue 1 Sept