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Clark Bursary

Project Ended in December 2007

An innovative award that provided support for artists to develop their creative practice in digital media.

  Light Up Bristol

Posted on Mon 6 Nov 2017

This short film by AntiVJ captures the alternative epic Christmas lights show which transformed the façade of Bristol’s Council House.

  Sir Richard Eyre

Posted on Thu 10 Aug 2017

Film critic Mark Kermode joins Sir Richard Eyre, one of the UK’s leading directors, for an onstage interview.

  The Cult of the Amateur

Posted on Thu 10 Aug 2017

Is the Internet killing our culture? Listen to Andrew Keen discuss his book 'The Cult of the Amateur' in this fascinating talk.

Luke Jerram: Dream Director

Project Ended in September 2007

2006 Clark Bursary recipient Luke Jerram documents his experiences during the realisation of his innovative 'Dream Director' project.

Offload Festival

Project Ended in September 2007

The Offload Festival explored how artists are visualising and engaging with ecological and social issues through new and existing media.

The Wisdom of Food

Project Ended in August 2007

Nii Obodai, recipient of the 7th Clark Bursary, explored the relationship between food, behaviour and peace.

Step Online

Project Ended in July 2007

An online gallery featuring five UK based Asian artists using the web to exhibit their work for the first time.

Dream Director

Project Ended in June 2007

A multi-user interactive installation developed by Luke Jerram, recipient of the 6th Clark Bursary, which audiences experienced during their sleep.


Project Ended in March 2007

Connecting Art, Industry and Innovation – Artists Placements

Movies + Shakers

Project Ended in September 2006

A creative multimedia project run by musician Tony Orrell in schools throughout Bristol.