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  It May be Art but is it Film?

Posted on Thu 10 Aug 2017

A talk and presentation by Professor Ian Christie as part of British Art Show 6 events at Watershed.


Project Ended in July 2006

Soundtoys is a collection of experimental audio visual artworks from over 200 artists, designers, musicians and writers.


Project Ended in June 2006

Calling was a 2005 residency programme for three digital artists of African heritage run jointly by Watershed and Kuumba.

  BAFTA Short Film Paradise: Ken Russell

Posted on Thu 10 Aug 2017

Previously unreleased, this film contains highlights of a conversation between director Ken Russell and film critic Mark Kermode from Encounters 2006.

Project Ended in November 2005

A filmmaking summer school with 24 young filmmakers from Sweden, Lithuania and UK.

Dog [LAB]02

Project Ended in October 2005

Digital artist France ‘Cyberdoll’ Cadet was in residence at UWE in 2005 to develop a new multi-robot installation.

Art Tea in the Vanish Van

Project Ended in October 2005

Art Tea gave tea and cakes to shoppers waiting for buses and invited them to view a makeshift camera obscura.

Electric Pavilion

Project Ended in September 2005

An online collection from 2005 that presents Bristol’s artistic talent in, amongst other things, music, photography, illustration and fine art.

Hannu Karjalainen's Film Installations

Project Ended in September 2005

Documentation of Finnish artist Hannu Karjalainen’s visit to Bristol in September 2005 to create a series of film installations.


Project Ended in September 2005

This unique research project gave animators access to HP Labs’ shared processing resource for CG rendering to produce 3D shorts.

I Can Read You

Project Ended in August 2005

An artwork, experiment and game using barcodes and mobile phones run by artist Simon Poulter, HP Labs and Watershed.