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Filmic 2016

Posted on Tue 1 March 2016

Our annual celebration of all things ‘Filmic’ returns with gigs and screenings that highlight the symbiotic relationship between music and the moving image. This is not simply in the ways in which they are used together, but also how each one can inspire the other. This is music for the movie in your mind, or the soundtrack in your head. This year we focus largely on ideas of technology in sound and vision.

Ready, steady, DepicT! - 2016 submissions now open

Posted on Mon 29 Feb 2016

We are back for our 20th year of DepicT!, our ultra short film competition that asks filmmakers from around the world to create an original short film under 90 seconds long.

Watershed and Partners awarded match funding for RAIN

Posted on Wed 24 Feb 2016

We are thrilled that Arts Council England has just announced that we have been successful in applying to the Creative Local Growth Fund. Watershed will receive £500,000 to work with the West of England Local Enterprise Partnership and a consortium of leading arts and cultural organisations - UWE, Spike Island, Knowle West Media Centre and The Guild Bath to develop the Regional Arts Incubation Network (RAIN).

Sign of the Times: working with and for our Deaf and hard of hearing customers and audiences

Posted on Tue 23 Feb 2016

Here at Watershed we want to be as welcoming, inclusive and accessible as we can for everyone: for all of our customers, audiences, staff and visitors. We have been making some really positive changes recently for Deaf and hard of hearing people, proving that co-production, creativity, innovation and a little bit of practice can encourage diversity and increase participation.

Announcing our 2016 Residency programme

Posted on Tue 23 Feb 2016

We are very excited to announce this year’s programme of residency opportunities at Watershed. There will be three programmes to choose from, each offering something slightly different.

Talented creatives selected for Playable City Lagos

Posted on Wed 10 Feb 2016

After assessing over 100 applications for our the Playable City Lagos Open Call, we are delighted to reveal the participants in the Lab, which will bring together seven creative practitioners from Lagos (Nigeria) and four from the UK, to exchange ideas and develop new works that respond to the theme of the Playable City.

Why we absolutely love Fabulous Beasts

Posted on Tue 26 Jan 2016

Today marks the launch of a crowd funding campaign for an entirely new kind of digital and physical game called Fabulous Beasts, and we wanted to share with you a bit about how Watershed has supported its development, how you can come and have a play, and invite you to get involved.

Let All The Children Boogie: Fringe Festival at Watershed

Posted on Wed 20 Jan 2016

There will be films, there will be DJs, there will be dancing and there will be Bowie; there will always be Bowie. Check out the full season of films, events and DJ sets - some are already selling out so get in there while you can!

New kitchen and new menus – Happy New Year!

Posted on Tue 5 Jan 2016

We are very excited to announce that our brand new, environmentally friendly and efficient kitchen is ready! After six weeks of behind the scenes toil - and plenty of patience from you, our lovely customers - our kitchen refit is complete and ready for action.

Watershed Top 10 Sellers of 2015

Posted on Tue 5 Jan 2016

We've recycled the wrapping paper, taken the tinsel down and swept up the pine needles: 2015 is over, and 2016 is here with a vengeance. Here’s a quick run down of our top sellers, and what the year in film at Watershed looked like…

Urbanimals in hibernation after 26,000 plays across Bristol

Posted on Thu 10 Dec 2015

The Urbanimals retired on Thu 19 Nov to mark the end of the Playable City Conference. The winner of this year’s Playable City Award, the Urbanimals were hunted down by Bristolians, who discovered the eight animals in all corners of the city. Over 26,000 people have played with Rabbit, Dolphin, Kangaroo and Beetle over the Urbanimals’ 10 week life span between September – November.