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We took part in #GivingTuesday: A day to give back

Posted on Tue 1 Dec 2015

Forget the excesses and consumerism of Black Friday and Cyber Monday - Tue 1 Dec, was #GivingTuesday, a global day of giving, and was the perfect antidote to the two biggest shopping days of the year.

Watershed in December: Strong women, Christmas treats, and satirical cartoonists...

Posted on Wed 18 Nov 2015

There's no denying it - markets have suddenly appeared, selection boxes are hugging the shelves, winter spice is being added to everything from coffee to cake, the John Lewis ad is on the telly... it's nearly Christmas. It's 37 days away, in fact, but don't worry - we're here to ease you into the festive season with a great line up of films and a warming welcome in the Café/Bar.

We are getting a new kitchen...

Posted on Fri 13 Nov 2015

We are really excited to announce that we will be refitting our kitchen in December which will involve ripping out the entire space and putting in state of the art, energy efficient kit. Read on to find out what is happening and how this work is going to affect service during the building works. Thank you.

Watershed a winner in first Bristol Pride Awards

Posted on Wed 11 Nov 2015

Watershed is delighted to have been recognised in the first ever Bristol Pride Awards, announced at the inaugural Bristol Pride Gala Ball at the Marriott Royal on Halloween.

There's nowhere better...

Posted on Wed 11 Nov 2015

What a weekend. We opened the doors to The Rooms, a huge festival on Silver Street that showcased the inventions that have come out of REACT, one of four Arts and Humanities Research Council creative economy hubs, and were overwhelmed with the response from you, the good people of Bristol, the South West and Wales.

Afrika Eye celebrates 10 glorious years

Posted on Wed 4 Nov 2015

Bristol-set drama Grade will be having its world premiere at this year's Afrika Eye Festival. Grade is a new short film by Bristol filmmaker, and previous Afrika Eye talent winner, Mike Jenkins.

Statement by Dick Penny (updated 9 Nov)

Posted on Wed 4 Nov 2015

Read the full statement from Watershed's Managing Director Dick Penny in response to Cllr Eddy: "I would like to be very clear that Watershed has never been censured by the Charity Commission."

All Hail the Rife Guide!

Posted on Mon 26 Oct 2015

Want to know where you can meet young people? Learn how to make films? Smoothies? Get advice on housing? Jobs? Sex? Drugs? Rock’n’Roll? You need the Rife guide.

What's on in November: The Rooms, Carol, Afrika Eye and more

Posted on Thu 22 Oct 2015

Ever wished you could hop into a time machine and get a sneak peek at the future? Forget the latest iPhone - have you ever wanted to get your hands on the inventions we're going to be playing, working, creating and communicating with years from now? Well, we're going to give you a key to The Rooms (Fri 6 - Sat 7 Nov), a veritable playground of new ideas.

The Rooms Festival on Silver Street

Posted on Thu 8 Oct 2015

As the November sun sets, we invite the inquisitive and curious to take a journey with us into The Rooms, a series of interactive installations and inventions designed to change and brighten up the world.

Introducing Canvas: the go-to place for arts video online

Posted on Wed 30 Sept 2015

Watershed is delighted to be one of the launch members of new Arts Council England initiative Canvas - a YouTube channel that is set to be the new home of art online.