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Watershed celebrates 30 years of media, music and magic on Thu 7 June

Posted on Tue 22 May 2012

The world was a very different place 30 years ago. No mobile phones, no internet, no iPhone apps, Facebook or touchscreen technology, not even digital cameras or video game consoles. Yet with an uncanny sense of foresight, Watershed media centre was established in 1982, the same year that Channel 4 and the Barbican Arts Centre were born, the year that saw the launch of the Commodore 64 and Sony’s first CD player, and the only year in history that Time Magazine’s Person of The Year was a computer.

Live from the Croisette

Posted on Thu 17 May 2012

Made in Bristol

Posted on Wed 2 May 2012

We are 30 on Thu 7 June

Posted on Mon 30 April 2012

REACT funding success in Exeter

Posted on Tue 24 April 2012

The Future of Print

Posted on Fri 20 April 2012

Print media isn't having a happy time of late. Commentators have been hearing (and ringing) its death knell for quite a while now, and its slow decline shows no sign of abating: what does the future hold for the world's magazines, books and newspapers?

Bringing Properties to Life

Posted on Thu 19 April 2012

Pervasive Media Studio at Bordeaux's Digital Week

Posted on Thu 12 April 2012

Watershed's Pervasive Media Studio was invited to take part in this year’s Bordeaux Digital Week (Semaine Digitale), France’s foremost creative technology festival, exploring the very latest in digital experiences.

Watershed is part of The Space with 12 Unlimited Artists

Posted on Tue 10 April 2012

PUSH ME, a collaboration led by Watershed, is one of the 53 digital arts projects commissioned by Arts Council England and BBC for The Space.