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Thriving in a sandbox

Posted on Mon 2 April 2012

Dreyer: the lost and found filmmaker

Posted on Thu 29 March 2012

Heritage Sandbox: from Georgian Gardens to future cemeteries

Posted on Mon 26 March 2012

Six projects have been commissioned out of the South West to unlock histories, hauntings and happenings in all kinds of UK heritage attractions, unraveling rich experiences through the use of cutting edge technologies.

Heritage Sandbox announced

Posted on Mon 26 March 2012

Commissions announced

Posted on Mon 26 March 2012

'It begins with the audience'

Posted on Tue 20 March 2012

‘A Future for British Film - it begins with the audience’ is the new Film Policy Review report published earlier this year by Dept for Culture Media and Sport.‘What has this to do with Watershed?’ you may ask. The short answer is everything.Our Managing Director Dick Penny elaborates:Cinema can be so much more than entertainment.

Schools inspired by Electric December filmmaking workshop

Posted on Mon 12 March 2012

Young filmmakers of the future descended upon Watershed last week for a workshop designed to get them inspired to create short films for Electric December, Watershed’s annual online film showcase.The students, aged 11-18, from eight different schools came together with industry professionals to make eight short films. Watch their mini-westerns, noirs and slapsticks here.

March Café/Bar Offer

Posted on Mon 27 Feb 2012