Stories > by maker

College Green
Join the skaters and “emos” on College Green.0:38

A Pig Named George
Maia and Candice
A story of an Austrlian pig, Bristol’s famous Blue Glass, a skinny celeb and the skaters of College Green…!1:39

Bristol Princess..?
Maithreyi Nandakumar
A story about roots, comparing life in Bristol and in modern India.9:43

This is my home
Maria talks about the difficulty of being an immigrant, and not being allowed to work in the UK.2:07

Bristol, Slavery and I
Marius Aznar
A look at Bristol’s historic links with slavery through Spanish eyes.3:28

Mark’s digital story
Mark explains how being deaf hasn't stopped him from finding work as a gas engineer with Bristol City Council, and why cats, dogs,…3:55

Controlled Creativity
Mark Adams
Expressing personal feelings about the regeneration of Barton Hill through poetry and songwriting.2:39

Mark Chamberlain
If you can net fish in Blagdon Lake it’s said that you’ll be able to catch fish vitually anywhere. One local fisherman…3:23

Zimbabwe Relief
Martin Munemo
Martin uses his freedom to travel by helping children in Zimbabwe.2:34

Jacobs Wells Road
Martin Rieser
Co-incidence or sixth sense linking medieval Bristol to a moment of terror.2:20

The Meridian Phoenix
Martin Rieser
The flames of love fanned in a very unusual way.3:19

Victoria Square
Martin Rieser
A dark tale from a leafy square.