Stories > by maker

The New Brunel
Andy King
A tribute to Fred Lester, long-time employee of the Industrial Museum, and a jack of all trades.2:21

The Bedminster Dragon
Angus and Francis
A trip to a friend’s turns into a “history” lesson.0:29

This is a story of…
Anna and Ahmet
A story celbrating the freedom of life in England.1:52

Paul Robeson: The…
Anna Farthing
Actress Pearl talks about how she is inspired by Paul Robeson, the first black man to perform the part of Shakespeare’s Othello.1:11

Paul Robeson: My Name…
Anna Farthing
How did a British trade-unionist get named after a black actor from the USA?2:01

The Slider
Anna Farthing
Torn clothes and bruised behinds - a look at Bristol’s history from the point of view of the Rock Slide in Clifton.2:03

Paul Robeson: Desert…
Anna Farthing
Trade-unionist Paul Dunn explains why his favourite disc is of a black American called Paul Robeson.2:10

Paul Robeson: To be…
Anna Farthing
Actor, campaigner and singer Paul Robeson is still inspiring people, 40 years after his death.1:56

Paul Robeson: Young…
Anna Farthing
20th century black actor, singer and campaigner Paul Robeson’s influence has touched many people and his music has been heard…2:55

Anna Searle
Two artist friends strive to begin a project together.2:35

Female Priest
Anne Farmer
For the last 10 years Anne Farmer passed a Church of England training college almost daily but she never dreamed for a second that…2:14

Sounds on a Boat
Anne Hooper
All aboard Bristol’s most musical boat.