Stories > by title

Misfits in rehearsal…
Misfits Theatre Company
A description of the way people with learning difficultires were mistreated in long stay hospitals, and a look at the rehearsal…2:05

Mother Granma
Alison Farrar
Your family tree doesn’t have to go a long way back to reveal a history.1:09

Moving Story
Lindy Clark
A special relationship develops which helps both parties through a difficult time.2:07

Mr. Amir Ahamed’s story
Amir Ahamed
Mr Ahmed reflects on the two major migrations in his life, first as a 11 year old Muslim, a passage from India to the newly formed…4:32

Mr. Harindar…
Mr. Harindar Singh
Mr Singh recounts his vivid memories of the chaos, conflict and war that arose following Independence day.5:48

Mrs Gurdial…
Gurdial Kaur
Mrs Gurdial Kaur talks of her family migration during the partition of India and Pakistan.4:00

Mrs Kanta…
Kanta Nandwari
This is a story about the legacies of the Partition and the migration for a new life in the UK.1:44

My Bristol
Helen comes back to see where she was born in Bristol, 21 years ago. It may not be for the last time…3:20

My Childhood Memories
Colin Griffin
Colin remembers misbehaving in Bedminster in the 1930s.4:06

My Experiences Of…
Gloria Ingham
How Gloria moved from the Phillipines to England, and how she settled in.2:18

My Family and the…
Stephen Russell
Over 160 years of employment under Isambard Kingdom Brunel.1:17

My Graffiti Tour
Zoe Richards
A walking tour of Graffiti in Bristol.