Stories > by title

  • 1:08
    Still from Through the eye of my digital camera

    Through the eye of my…
    Cheryl Martin and Knowle…
    I took many family, friends and holiday photos. This led me to my present interest of flowers and wildlife.
  • 2:01
    Still from Truth

    Paddy Uglow
    A story about a spiritual journey, ending in Bristol.
  • 1:57
    Still from Under the Bridge

    Under the Bridge
    Terryl Bacon
    What happens when you cross Pero’s Bridge?
  • 3:19
    Still from Victoria Square

    Victoria Square
    Martin Rieser
    A dark tale from a leafy square.
  • 4:09
    Still from Walking on Dundry Hill

    Walking on Dundry Hill
    A walk through time over Dundry Hill.
  • 0:39
    Still from Waterthoughts

    Jude English
    Fountains and pools conjure up magical thoughts about developments on Harbourside, Bristol.
  • 2:15
    Still from Wedding Threads

    Wedding Threads
    Ralph Juergen Colmar
    A story about a group of friends whose transient lives coincidentally weave in and out of Bristol.
  • 1:12
    Still from What could have been

    What could have been
    A rap story of love and loss in Hartcliffe.
  • 4:01
    Still from What Was!

    What Was!
    Doreen Hancock
    An incredible oasis of life around a ‘temporary’ prefabricated home, now under threat of demolition and re-development.
  • 0:45
    Still from What’s Going On?

    What’s Going On?
    Charlie Williams
    A look at how violence against and amongst young black men has developed since African people began living in Britain.
  • 2:15
    Still from What’s your name?

    What’s your name?
    Ruth Jacobs
    A tongue in cheek tribute to the name of Brunel.
  • 1:16
    Still from Who am I?

    Who am I?
    Charlene Price
    Charlene goes on a search for her true identity.