Electric Pavilion : Processing

Chris Barnett

Chris is a freelance Audio / Visual creative, working as a musician, film composer, sound designer, filmmaker, creative director on an independent film for mobile phone website, projectionist and digital media educator. His interest is in the interaction between sound and image.

Having created interactive sound tools in Director, Flash and Max/MSP, Processing has opened up new pathways for experimentation with real time sound and image interaction and generation. His project idea involves using sound to generate or reproduce imagery, and/or video tracking and sound input to affect live video.

Early experiments have seen shapes and text being displayed according to sound input level. See splatter and city builder.


Processing sketch

The projects City Builder, Sound Splatter and Audiovisibubble are sound reactive and require the following:

> City Builder (opens new window).

> Sound Splatter (opens new window).

The project Audiovisibubble also requires a webcam installed. You will need to change the code depending on the webcam you are using to view it on your machine. Comments in the code indicate where you need to make changes.

> View screenshots and download code.

Audiovisibubble City Builder Sound Splatter



The video contains examples of 'Audiovisibubble' in action with audience interaction and a short introduction by the artist.

If you cannot see the video above then you will need to download and install the Flash player plug-in.


Event photos

Chris demonstrating his program 'Audiovisibubble'.

Audience interacting with the work