Electric Pavilion : Processing

Dr Mark Palmer

‘Ptolemy’s Video’

My intention was to become familiar with Processing as a means of teaching the fundamentals of programming within a creative context. I also wanted to make something although there was nothing specific I wanted to create – except something that could be placed on the web far more easily than the work I usually created. My route through it was more a case of playing with the processing environment and seeing what caught my intention whilst becoming familiar with it.

Having previously used more complex tracking systems the BlobDetection library discovered within Processing offered a simplicity that seemed rude not to play with (which also illustrates one of the great strengths of Processing – its multi-functionality and openness). To this end the thought of creating a virtual Orrery moving around and affecting the video feed seemed a natural step.



Dr Mark Palmer Watershed Senior Research Fellow
Bristol School of Art, Media and Design
Bower Ashton Campus
University of the West of England

Video documentation will be available soon.

This project requires a webcam installed to view the work. You will need to change the code depending on the webcam you are using to view it on your machine. Comments in the code indicate where you need to make changes.

> Download code (.zip file).


Installation photos