Electric Pavilion : Processing

Teresa Dillon

‘Last Breath’

‘Last Breath’ is a short text developed within Processing and trigged via radio frequency tag technologies (RFID).

I was interested in exploring how Processing could be used to create content for mobile, reactive audience interactions. I’m currently using RFID technologies for a performance-live installation called ‘Measc’. The course allowed me to explore how Processing could be used to develop content for this piece. I intended to build on the knowledge gained using it for ‘Measc’ and other live performances contexts.

This work is by Teresa Dillon with support from Maarten De Laat of polar produce.




‘Measc’ will take place at the John Wesley, New Room, Broadmead, Bristol (19th-22nd Oct). Tickets: Arnolfini box office. £6 unwaged/£8 waged. ‘Measc’ is core funded Bristol City Council, Year of Creativity within investment from Arts and Business and support from IPI, The Mobile Bristol Centre and the John Wesley, New Rooms.

Processing sketches will be available soon.

Installation photos

Project setup

Antenna and RFID cards


Audio and Video

A short introduction to the work by the artist.

Video showing audience interaction and the work in action.

If you cannot see the video or hear the audio above then you will need to download and install the Flash player plug-in.