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  Nick Cohen: You Can't Read This Book

Posted on Thu 10 Aug 2017

Author Nick Cohen discusses censorship in our 'age of freedom', and the effect this is having on freedom of speech.

  Dickens on Screen

Posted on Thu 10 Aug 2017

Adrian Wootton explores Charles Dickens' work in film, discussing various adaptations and asking how well cinema has treated the author’s work.

Made in Bristol

Posted on Wed 2 May 2012

Maps Created by Everybody

Project Ended in May 2012

What if cities were mapped by the people who lived there? Two workshops invited the Guimarães public to map their city.

Bristol Stories from the Railways

Project Ended in May 2012

A collection of films focusing on Bristol's railways which were created for Bristol Stories, Watershed's creative digital storytelling project.

We are 30 on Thu 7 June

Posted on Mon 30 April 2012

REACT funding success in Exeter

Posted on Tue 24 April 2012

  How Creativity Works

Posted on Thu 10 Aug 2017

Writer Jonah Lehrer examines the neuroscience behind the creative process, exploring how it can be used to solve everyday problems.

  Mark Cousins: The Story of Film

Posted on Thu 10 Aug 2017

Director Mark Cousins discusses 'The Story of Film', his 15 hour long documentary chronicling a history of cinema.

The Future of Print

Posted on Fri 20 April 2012

Print media isn't having a happy time of late. Commentators have been hearing (and ringing) its death knell for quite a while now, and its slow decline shows no sign of abating: what does the future hold for the world's magazines, books and newspapers?