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Bringing Properties to Life

Posted on Thu 19 April 2012

Pervasive Media Studio at Bordeaux's Digital Week

Posted on Thu 12 April 2012

Watershed's Pervasive Media Studio was invited to take part in this year’s Bordeaux Digital Week (Semaine Digitale), France’s foremost creative technology festival, exploring the very latest in digital experiences.

Watershed is part of The Space with 12 Unlimited Artists

Posted on Tue 10 April 2012

PUSH ME, a collaboration led by Watershed, is one of the 53 digital arts projects commissioned by Arts Council England and BBC for The Space.

  BÖIKZMÖIND: Gavin Strange Directors Q&A

Posted on Thu 10 Aug 2017

Director Gavin Strange discusses his film BÖIKZMÖIND, a documentary examining the popularity of fixed gear cycling in Bristol.

Thriving in a sandbox

Posted on Mon 2 April 2012

Dreyer: the lost and found filmmaker

Posted on Thu 29 March 2012

  BEAM Live

Posted on Fri 27 Oct 2017

BEAM Live was an evening of music and live iPad art which took place at Watershed as part of Filmic.

Heritage Sandbox: from Georgian Gardens to future cemeteries

Posted on Mon 26 March 2012

Six projects have been commissioned out of the South West to unlock histories, hauntings and happenings in all kinds of UK heritage attractions, unraveling rich experiences through the use of cutting edge technologies.

Heritage Sandbox announced

Posted on Mon 26 March 2012