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  September 2020 Cinema Podcast

Posted on Thu 27 Aug 2020

In this month's podcast Mark Cosgrove, Watershed Cinema Curator, shares the background to his thinking about the films he is putting on for Watershed's reopening in September, and shares upcoming highlights.

 Bristol, we're back!  

Posted on Mon 24 Aug 2020

Watershed re-opens its doors on Tue 1 Sept

 We're taking a week's rest 

Posted on Mon 27 July 2020 by Clare Reddington

We're all taking a short break from Mon 3 Aug. Before that our CEO Clare Reddington reflects on what the past few months have been like for us...

  Clemency: Deaf Conversations About Cinema BSL version

Posted on Tue 21 July 2020

Clemency: Deaf Conversations About Cinema BSL version

  August 2020 Cinema Podcast

Posted on Thu 30 July 2020

This month we take a pause in our monthly podcast as we prepare for re-opening.

  July 2020 Cinema Podcast

Posted on Tue 30 June 2020

Mark Cosgrove, Watershed Cinema Curator, looks forward to welcoming audiences back to Watershed Cinemas in September and highlights two films to look out for online this month.

  Am I A Bad Kid?

Posted on Thu 25 June 2020

Jay explores the lack of support that the school system provides for excluded kids and young people with diverse needs, and how being labelled as a 'bad kid' has damaging effects for a young person's development.

  My Sister and ADHD

Posted on Thu 25 June 2020

Sisters Emily and Isabel were close growing up, then Isabel got diagnosed with ADHD. This short documentary takes a look at how ADHD affects their relationship, as they navigate the changes of growing up together.

  This Hair is Beautiful

Posted on Thu 25 June 2020

A group of young people of colour talk about the ways in which hair is intertwined with identity and how they have come to love and celebrate their hair texture.

Watershed will re-open in September

Posted on Wed 24 June 2020

Yesterday the Government announced the re-opening of cinemas and bars in England from 4 July (subject to safeguards) alongside the reduction of social distancing to 1m plus (with additional mitigations).  

Watershed stands in solidarity with Black Lives Matter

Posted on Mon 15 June 2020

We are FOR equality and ANTI-racist. The global events of the last few weeks, the injustices faced by Black people in the UK and the clear demands for change in Bristol on the weekend of 7 June, speak powerfully to the need to make real commitments.