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A summary of our audience survey

Posted on Fri 12 June 2020

A huge thank you to everyone who fed back to us

  June 2020 Staff Meeting

Posted on Wed 3 June 2020

Recording of Watershed's online Staff Meeting on Tuesday 02 June, 2020

Bristol Arts Channel Launches

Posted on Thu 28 May 2020

A collection of Bristol's cultural organisations have teamed up to launch Bristol Arts Channel, presenting content "Together Online"

  June 2020 Cinema Podcast

Posted on Tue 26 May 2020

In June's podcast Mark Cosgrove, Watershed Cinema Curator, considers whether, when people talk of the acute challenges now facing the arts sector, whether film is included in that and ponders when does film become art?

  May 2020 Staff Meeting

Posted on Wed 20 May 2020

Recording of Watershed's online Staff Meeting on Tuesday 19 May, 2020.

 Staying open when your building is not  

Posted on Tue 5 May 2020 by Clare Reddington

Clare Reddington, Watershed CEO, reflects on Watershed's experiences of the past seven weeks....

  BSL Watershed recommends, Mon 04 May 2020

Posted on Mon 4 May 2020

A British Sign Language video sharing details of current Watershed online activity which still brings you the best in independent film, creative technology and young people's voices.

  May 2020 Cinema Podcast

Posted on Wed 29 April 2020

Mark Cosgrove, Watershed Cinema Curator, discusses the existential crisis that he feels is now facing cinema and shares his pick of the upcoming films streaming online.

Introducing our Spring Residency artist 2020

Posted on Mon 27 April 2020

A big remote welcome to our Spring Residency artist - Joe Hill.

 #shortitout - calling filmmakers to get creative in 90 seconds or less 

Posted on Thu 16 April 2020

#shortitout launches today inviting filmmakers from all over the world to get creative and come together; offering unique filmmaker-led resources, light relief and inspiration.

Cinema Rediscovered 2020 Cancelled

Posted on Thu 9 April 2020

See you at Cinema Rediscovered 2021