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  April 2020 Staff Meeting

Posted on Tue 7 April 2020

Recording of Watershed's online Staff Meeting on Monday 6 April, 2020.

  April 2020 Cinema podcast

Posted on Tue 31 March 2020

In these extraordinary times which have seen Watershed close its building and cancel all film screenings, our programmers Mark and Thea share pointers to films easily available online and which are, more often than not, free to view.

  BSL Watershed Closure

Posted on Wed 25 March 2020

BSL Watershed Closure

A gift for you: see you at the cinema, online!

Posted on Fri 20 March 2020

We might have closed our cinemas but we still want to share great films with you. Here's one way.

Watershed building shut for now, but our arms are wide open

Posted on Tue 17 March 2020

Given the national picture the Watershed building will temporarily close from 14:00 on Tue 17 March and our upcoming events and screenings are cancelled for now.

 Thought In Action: Portrait of a Lady on Fire 

Posted on Sun 15 March 2020

In the sixth and last instalment of Thought in Action, we had the delight of welcoming Albertine Fox (University of Bristol), Isobel Carrol (UWE Level 3 Student) and Charlotte Alderwick (UWE Bristol, Chair) to discuss the themes in Céline Sciamma’s Portrait of a Lady on Fire. UWE BA Philosophy student Georgia Harrison continues the conversation and explores Sciamma’s mesmerising exploration of the female gaze.

We are open

Posted on Fri 13 March 2020

Here at Watershed the health and wellbeing of our staff and customers are our number one concern.

Watershed & MAYK present: Art & Climate, Winter Residencies Showcase

Posted on Thu 5 March 2020

Join us for a free Art & Climate Showcase event to experience the new work created by Watershed & MAYK’s Winter Artists in Residence - Xavier Velastin, Robbie Thomson, Ella Good and Nicki Kent.

  Other Animals

Posted on Tue 3 March 2020

Watershed/MAYK 2020 Winter Residency Robbie Thomson talks about his series of public interventions which use soft robotic sculptures to raise awareness of local ecological issues and the wider climate crisis.

  Building a Martian House

Posted on Sun 1 March 2020

Watershed/MAYK 2020 Winter Residency artists Ella Good and Nicki Kent on their project to Build a Martian House.

Cinema Rediscovered 2020 Early Bird Passes Now on Sale

Posted on Wed 4 March 2020

Cinema Rediscovered is back for an expanded five days for its 5th edition taking place in and around Bristol from Wed 22 - Sun 26 July 2020. Join us for the finest digital restorations, contemporary classics and film print rarities back where they belong - on the big screen.